How do you like it?

At “100 People 10 2021”, an open call exhibition where 100 artists’ works can be purchased for a flat 100,000 yen, a performance will be held where visitors wearing T-shirts with “I like it because _” printed on them will appear in the exhibition space every day. I like it because of ” every day in the exhibition space.

In the previous “100 persons 10” exhibitions, artists, collectors, and curators participated as jurors, but the jury system was abolished from FY2021. In 2021, the jury system was abolished and the 100 works with the highest number of “likes” on Instagram were selected.

While cynically questioning the relationship between art and its viewers since the spread of social networking, the jury also looked at the contextual abuses of “Likes” and “Gamemakers. and the decision-making process of people today, which is becoming increasingly gamified.

100⼈のアーティストの作品を⼀律10万円で購入できる公募展「100人10 2021」にて、”I like it because _____”とプリントされたTシャツを着用した鑑賞者が、展示空間に出現するパフォーマンスを実施。



100人10 / Tokyo Midtown, Tokyo, Japan, Nov 8 – Nov 15, 2022

100人10 / Shinwa Auction, Tokyo, Japan, Dec 10 – Dec 18, 2021