Eating Tour For Freedom #1

Performance, single channel video, 2023

A performance work in which the artist sneaks into a building that was once seized by the US Occupation Forces while eating American food. The action repeated over a period of about a month at the Dai-ichi Seimei Building, Tokyo Kaikan, and Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Building (annex), where the US GHQ was based. The food ingested consisted of foods that the artist himself liked to eat while living in the United States.The chewing sounds were recorded by a sound recorder installed in his chest and which echoes loudly in the video.

「A-TOM ART AWARD 2022」ソノアイダ賞を受賞した副賞として、新有楽町ソノアイダでのレジデンス期間中に制作した映像作品。


Eating Tour For Freedom#1
Performance, single channel video, installation
ON LIMITS / Shinyurakucho#Sonoaida, Tokyo, Japan


Feb 24, 2023 – Feb 26, 2023
Shinyurakucho#Sonoaida, Tokyo, Japan

Oct 20, 2023 – Oct 29, 2023
Itsumono Sono aida
Shinyurakucho#Sonoaida, Tokyo, Japan