Single channel video (loop), cigarettes with offset print, 2023
En route to his year-long study in Paris, Yamaguchi had his lighter confiscated at Shanghai Airport. This incident prompted him to establish a personal rule: “not to buy a lighter for a year.”
In Paris, where smoking is commonplace, he continued an experiment of borrowing fire from others whenever he needed to smoke, attempting to create chance encounters in a foreign land. The work’s title stands in opposition to the warning messages on cigarette packages—”SMOKING KILLS” and “SMOKERS DIE YOUNGER.” However, this practice, initiated to facilitate connections with others, gradually became a source of stress, leading to the project’s eventual abandonment.
At the end of his year in Paris, his professor, French artist Claude Closky, gave him two lighter artworks created 24 years prior.
*Lighters gifted by Claude Closky (‘Burn Out’, 2000, lighter; ‘Smoke More’, 2000, lighter)
喫煙率の高いパリで、タバコを吸う時は必ず誰かから火を借りることで、異郷の地での出会いを誘発する試みを続けた。作品タイトルはタバコのパッケージに書かれている警告文”SMOKING KILLS”とSMOKERS DIE YOUNGER”の対義語が置かれている。しかし、他者との接触を求めて始めたこの行為は、次第にストレスとなり、プロジェクトは途中で断念された。
1年間の留学終了時、指導教官であったフランス人アーティストClaude Closkyから、24年前に制作された2つのライター作品が贈られることとなった。
*Claude Closkyから貰ったライター(‘Burn Out’, 2000, lighter, ‘Smoke More’, 2000, lighter)